“Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23

  Dying is no easy thing. And dying to ourselves and to our own will may even be harder than physical death itself. When my grandpa died, it was sudden and unexpected, and he was not given any warning, let alone a choice in the matter. The writer of Hebrews declares plainly that “it is appointed for men to die,” and this death is without negotiation.

  This is in stark contrast with the words of Jesus who calls all who would follow Him to deny their own will and daily take up the cross of God’s plan and faithfully follow the Master wherever He might lead. This is a call to a choice. And this choice is difficult for many Christians and always has been.
  Jerry Osborne once reminded his own church that “There are many Christians, but few disciples.” It is the disciple who answers the call of death, who prays the Spirit’s power to overcome his will with that of the Father, just as Jesus prayed “Not my will but Yours!”

  This is what the Dead Days are all about. It’s simply a time when we remind ourselves that Jesus is calling us to follow Him all the way. I urge you to prepare your heart for this special time of spiritual renewal.