Let's Pray

March 9, 2014
    Jesus invited His disciples to pray with Him. He taught them to pray and He set an example for them to follow, as He daily rose early to commune with His Father. It was the desire of our Master that the will of the Father be done, even if it meant sacrificing His own will that the Father’s will might be accomplished.

    As contemporary disciples of Christ, we, too, have His invitation to join with Him in prayer, that we might accomplish the Father’s will in our day. Yet many are unwilling to sacrifice their will and yield to that of their Father. However, if we follow Jesus’ example and seek our Father’s face early, we will find our spirit strengthened to bear up under our cross, even as Jesus did.


Throw Out The Anchor

March 9, 2014
    The Bible clearly warns Christians about the dangers of veering off course and drifting away from Jesus Christ. “We must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard.” As the writer of Hebrews proclaims this mandate of faith, he is quick to emphasize the place of Christ in our lives as an anchor that will hold through any storm. “He is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Thus it is necessary that we throw out the anchor, lest we drift away. We must anchor our lives...
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How Could You Miss It?

February 23, 2014
    I was with a friend the other day, and they were lamenting how someone had not invited them to a party. Sorrowfully they resigned themselves to the dis-invitation, “I guess we’re not as close as I thought we were. It kind of hurts.”

    This made me think of Jesus.  He said that His disciples were His friends; and He continually calls His friends into His House that we might celebrate the great salvation He has accomplished for us. But so many of His friends -His disciples- never sho...

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What To Expect When You're Expecting

February 16, 2014
    The woman with an issue of blood expected to be healed, and Jesus explained that her faith made her well. The first disciples expected the Master to keep his promise, and so they waited in Jerusalem to be empowered from on high; and indeed when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. The Corinthian saints eagerly awaited the revelation of Jesus in their church, and Paul declared such expectation caused them to come short in no spiritual gift. 


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Will You Not Pray With Me?

January 19, 2014
    Jesus questioned His own on occasion, and sometimes He could sound demanding and judgmental. “Could you not even pray with me for an hour?” He once scolded them; though He understood their spiritual weakness, acknowledging the frailty of human nature to give in when the Spirit would endure. However, He yet called His disciples to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, that they might engage the enemy and claim victories for the Kingdom of God.

    The disciples initially bristled again...

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Just Do It

January 12, 2014
    Jesus was the first to coin the phrase “Just Do It.” He said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Just do it, even if it’s unto an enemy, love them. Just do it, even if it’s unto someone who spitefully uses and abuses you, forgive them and pray for them. Just do it, measure out grace to those around you, whether friend or foe. Give grace as you have received grace from the Father of Lights. Forgive as you have been forgiven, love as you have been loved. Obey th...
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Together We Have...

January 6, 2014
    My Grandpa was a faithful man of God, who believed in getting others involved in the things of the Kingdom. He was often touting “Little is much when God is in it” from his pulpit, and constantly exhorting his congregation that “Many hands make light work.”

    Our Wave Offering was born out that same spirit of unity, and what a lesson we have learned as we have joined together this past year in our support of Missions. During the last 12 months the congregation at Mountain View h...

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Missionary Minded Church

December 29, 2013
The True Church of Jesus Christ has always been a Missionary Minded one, a fellowship of believers with a heart for lost souls. From the beginning the Church has sent out missionaries to preach the Gospel of Christ and to bring His Light into the Darkness of Satan’s dominion.

The faithful Church has ever sent out and supported missionary endeavors, and so it is with our own congregation. We seek to serve the Lord by being faithful to His servants who are willing to go out and carry the Gosp...

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Adoring The King

December 22, 2013
    In the Gospels we read of two occasions where Jesus was anointed with “very costly oil.” First by a sinful woman, then by Mary, the sister of Lazarus. In both instances the offering of worship was ridiculed as excessive and the worshipper scolded for lack of discernment. But in both cases Jesus came to their defense.

    He applauded the faith of the sinful woman and assured her that her sins were forgiven, remarking that she uniquely understood the purpose of His life and work.


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Giving To The King

December 15, 2013
David professed that he would not dare offer the Lord of that which was of no value to himself. He desired to give honor and glory to the Almighty God and High King of Israel, to worship Him passionately, and to offer unto Him true and costly sacrifices.

Such should be the desire of our own heart- not to cast the least we can muster at the feet of our Redeemer, but to humbly bring that which is costly, and borne out of sincere love for the One Who first loved us.

Thus every year our church co...

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